Thursday, September 13, 2012

Photo Analysis

  What I like about this picture is how the lights are the same color as the sky sort of a reflection to me the yellow orange orange colors of the city make the picture come out more and see all the streets way not just that but the buildings as well. Something else that I captured that has a great significance to me was the ocean as you can see some sort of wave and water movement. What I like the most is how you can see the mountains from the outside of the picture as if the city is between the ocean and a mountain.
When I look at this picture what comes to my mind is how beautiful of a city this is makes me wonder how its like to be there as in putting me inside making me wonder and want to live there. I think the reason this photographer took this picture was to show others what his seeing or show them this beautiful city.

  I see this picture and what i see is just amazing a lighting and volcano together the inside is all the volcano as you can see the dark grayish smoke with lava as well and you see the colors of the lava as there inside the smoke cloud and outside of it the lightning and its purple blue colors and the light around it. I love how the you can see the trees but there all black and being push by the wind makes it a more intense look and make the volcano and lighting come out more.
when I see this picture what pops to my mind when I see this is like fear scary stunned. I think the reason why this photographer took this picture was to show others what is like something new and incredible something you might never see in person so others can see what he saw.

  The Items in this picture is just a a red rust color long metal boat in the ocean gray clouds in the sky and a sort of looking big Tsunami wave not to far from it. What I like about this picture is how you can see how lonely the Boat is as you visualize it to be packed but its not also how you can see how 1 part of the sky is gray while the father side is as in a sunset. Whats major bout this picture to me is the Tsunami wave shows why the boat is lonely and shows the fear why no one is at the front. I look at this picture and what goes through my mind is holy Crap. I think the reason why the photographer took this picture was to tell them how they died maybe or show how big of a wave took them down.
what I like about this picture is the black and white setup i love how the picture gives emotion to me i see and feel like a lone sensation or sad or in a way like a depressing feeling about the picture I like how its a half circle but the reflection finishes the other half and also the reflection of the clouds in the water what i dont get is those to sticks by the middle.

This picture well first of all its my favorite team i love how the crowd is blured out and all the focus is in the players and how even the signs are blured out i like the colors and that amazing catch and vertical shape.