Monday, January 7, 2013


When I took this picture I was at the front on the Library. The Problems I faced taking this picture was getting the perfect timing and cross between my 2 runners. This shot was the best representation because the first person glows while the 2nd in the back crossing is blurry. The settings I tryed before was this was color, and shutter speed which would come out less blurry. The improvement it can get is just the lines in top too be out of the picture.

I took this picture by the staff parking lot. The problems I faced during this picture was getting the right timing of blurryness in the back and not the teacher also focusing the image. The reason this picture was best represented was cause of the perfect focus on the car and teacher and blurryness in the back. The settings I had before was a fast shutter speed making a problem with light and color.
This picture doesn't need improvement since everything looks great.
I took this picture in front of school. the prior problems to this pic was getting the right car which for me was just a cool car and color. This was the best representation because of how u can see the speed in the wheels of the car and blurry in back. The settings i had before  was to blurry making the half the car blurry. What can be improve is more blurry in back.

I took this picture in front of the library. The problems I faced while taking this picture was getting the right position and speed showing in camera which in other words blurryness. This is the best representation because of how my runner looks focus while the legs aren't cause of the speed and also background blurry. The settings before this picture was to slow meaning not much blurryness. This picture can be improved by having a little more blurryness.
I took this picture by the office. There wasn't really much problems since it was just a walking picture. The shows the best representation because while shes focus my walker looks clean and back blurry. The settings before was that it too blurry. This picture can be improved by having more blurryness in the back.

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