Friday, April 19, 2013


  1.  My inspiration when I took this picture was a superhero. I always thought it would be cool to get a picture flying now i know how to do it.The story im trying to tell is that always wanted to get a picture of me doing that. As in for this picture its my partner being a super hero and flying his way out of school.
  2. The technical challenges I faced was getting both images to match in the background because the chair was on the way when i was editing the picture which made it look weird not right. I resolve them by moving my background image up and match it to the closes it can be.
  3. I really didnt faced any artist challenges with this picture because I had good communication with my partner which made it easy for the both of us.
  1. My inspiration in this picture was just jumping I really didnt have much in mind but what I did know was that I liked the background. In the end it did turn out fine and the story behind it is a hero name Mario since he does the same goofy jump.
  2. The challenges I faced with this picture was the color as you can see theirs bright and dark colors which in the end its actually a good touch also cropping. I resolve this problem by editing the picture cropping what I didnt like and try to shadow up some areas.
  3. The only artist challenge I faced was the sun. Communication wise it was good i told him to jump and he did.

  1. My inspiration in this picture was to do something cool while floating. The story behind was to air surf.
  2. The challenges I faced with this picture was matching with the background, as well as how to not make him look like a giant.i resolve matching the 2 images but not the giant part.
  3. The artist challenges for me the fact he looks like a giant other than that the back ground is good if i would off moved him a little more back it would off been a more interesting picture.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


  •  The Troubles I had Shooting other people was making them comfortable For the picture since one of the Person i was shooting was Camera Shy making it difficult to work with. Not just that but to also make them Like the picture and me telling her what to do were to move and what part to change. Other than that the other person was natural wasn't camera shy and worked and communicated with me better listen to me and made every picture come out good as for him as well was comfortable with what i took.
  •  The Challenges Of being a Model is the awkwardness with the shooter when they tell you what to do its just something new to me wasn't really feeling it but i notice it depended with who was shooting you because i was more comfortable with the a guy who was funny then a girl who is just there you can see the difference how you both communicate.
  • What Makes a Good Model is some who listens isn't camera shy can communicate and listen to the shooter to do what he says and doesn't care how it looks. What Makes a Good Photographer is making its model feel good comfortable have that communication make them laugh and not make it awkward who can make them as well happy with what they shoot and make them feel pretty or good in how the picture looks.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Photo Analysis: Portraits

After seeing the picture for 2 minutes you can see very more details and get the emotion of the picture you also start asking yourself why she is so serious or where is she at? . As you see the picture there's most importantly the look of her eyes and color that is very delightful and strong. Shes wearing this red rope that is ripped and has many holes looks dirty but has a nice color as in the back ground its blurry but light green and blue colors which focuses much more on her and her eyes. As i look at the picture I assume shes unhappy dirty serious poor. The question that comes to mind mostly when I see this picture is Where is she from why is her close rip is she poor why too serious?  

My overall Impression when I see this picture is loneliness but such a great and amazing detailed picture. As I look at the picture you can see how the kid that is focus looks sad lonely while the other
are smiling with joy hugging each other while some looking at him smiling like if they were laughing at him. What makes this picture even better is the fact that is white and black showing emotion sadness up front and happiness in the back ground. If I logically infer I can say there at school he looks like about the age of 5 or 6 the kids in the back bout 7 or 8. The question that comes to my mind when i see this picture is why is he alone and distant from the others? Is he being bully? is he sad?.

My overall Impression when I see this picture is confused worried sad the picture has a very unique emotions i find the picture very interesting in many ways. When i look at the picture I see an old woman wearing this white black pattern robe she has wrinkles in her forehead, the background is very interesting how there just a girl or teenager with a cardigan just standing there mid smiling while the whole back is dark and the old woman is the main focus. If I logically infer i can say the old woman is in her's 60s while the teenager in hers 15 or 16s. the whole picture is black white and they look sad. The question that comes up when i see this picture is why the face is there something wrong did something bad happen to her? what is she looking at? why is the girl in the back mid smiling?

As I study the photo I see this man in his mid 40s with many tattoos in his whole body and face. What i like about this picture is the background how its all gray wood with scratches my over all impression towards this picture is scared in a way freaked out. I like the color in this picture how its a balance shadow gray color. As I see this picture more and more i can logically assume his in jail mid 40s mad cause of his face impression that gives emotion in the picture. What i ask myself when i see this picture is what is he mad about why all the Tattoos and is he in jail?

when I look at the photo what i see is face of a girl who's maybe 6 years old sad worried she has long blonde or brown hair the picture is focus all in her face there's no background but bottom of her shirt is blurry the whole image is black and gray. My overall impression of this picture is a great picture i love the color balance and emotion of the picture. When i look at this picture i can logically assume shes sad maybe 6 or 7 years old not happy shes facing some problems cause of how worried she looks. What i ask myself when i see this picture is why is she sad? why are her eyes watery? Whats happening?